Publisher identification

Tel: 06 29 64 00 23
Siret : 82185758800023

Publication manager: Mathieu FILIDORI –

The publication manager is an individual or a legal entity.

Host: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix 09 72 10 10 07

Data Protection Officer: Mathieu FILIDORI –

Director of publication: Mathieu FILIDORI


Site design and development

The graphic design, development and referencing of this website were carried out by SARL WWFE.

WWFE contact:

Website : WWFE
Phone : 06 61 01 59 29
Mail :


Processing of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 38 et seq. of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, all users have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to any personal data concerning them.
You can exercise this right by contacting us and providing proof of your identity.


Details on privacy

Hypertext links and liability:

This website may contain links to other websites. We systematically indicate to which site we suggest you go. However, these web pages, whose addresses are regularly checked, are not part of this site: they do not incur the responsibility of the site’s editorial staff.

Intellectual property rights:

Reproduction rights Reproduction or re-use of the contents of this site is authorised provided that the date and source are mentioned and, more generally, that the open licence is respected. Copying of other pages of the site, logos and content specific to the author of the site must have the authorisation of the publication director.


Respect for your personal data

We respect the privacy of everyone who visits this site. We do not collect personal information from our visitors without their consent. No scripts or stratagems are used for this purpose. The only personal information we request from our visitors is their contact details and email addresses, which are provided voluntarily. Under no circumstances is this information given, exchanged or sold to third parties without the consent of the persons concerned.

Please find below our policy on the processing of personal data. The purpose of this text is to inform you about the way in which we use this data and to tell you how to proceed if you wish to make a change.


Nature of the data collected

The information we collect comes from :

– the voluntary registration of an e-mail address enabling you to receive our newsletter

– entering your full contact details in our contact form

What do we do with these informations?

The information you give us is never passed on to third parties. Depending on the case, it is used as follows:

Subscription to our newsletter: in this case, your e-mail address is used strictly for sending our mailing lists and internal announcements. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe link” on each of our newsletters. If you have any problems unsubscribing, you can send us your request by contacting us directly.

Contact form: in order to receive an appropriate response to your request. Your details will never be passed on to third parties.

Sending an application to apply for a job vacancy: In this case, the data supplied and the documents sent are sent to our recruitment department and will under no circumstances be passed on to a third party. You can ask us to delete these documents by contacting us directly.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, all users have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to any personal data concerning them.

You can exercise this right by contacting us and providing proof of your identity.

Storage and use of personal data

We undertake to ensure that the collection and processing of your data on our website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés).

In the absence of any action on your part concerning the deletion of your information, we undertake to delete it automatically within 12 months. This data can only be accessed by our management, our marketing and communication teams, our sales teams and our human resources. No personal data such as surname, first name, postal or e-mail address will be retransmitted or sold to other companies or private individuals.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small computer file that is placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone to improve the user experience. In particular, it is used to analyse user behaviour when visiting a website.

For example, a cookie is used to store user preferences, help share content, store anonymous information about your browsing, etc.

Certain functions on this site, such as audience measurement, rely on services offered by third-party sites such as Google Analytics.

The cookies used on our website are there to improve your browsing experience. However, if you wish, you can refuse cookies from our site. These cookies will only be placed on the site if you have given your consent.

External links

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any websites that link to this site. You should inform yourself about the confidentiality and practices of these sites before sending them any personal information.



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